This script remedy index fragmentation by reorganizing or rebuilding an index.

Small tables, small indexes, low fragmentation, we do not care, and keep simple & easy

We are talking about the guidance which is: •if a table has less than 10000 rows, to do nothing •if an index has less than 1000 pages, to do nothing •if the index has:     less than 5% logical fragmentation, to do nothing     between 5% and 30% logical fragmentation, reorganize it     more than 30% logical fragmentation, rebuild it • New FILLFACTOR = 98%

Why do we fix something we do not need it? We should start to delete unused indexes if it is possible: [see Unused indexes] •Unused index, delete it, when :     - Nonclustered indexes     - Non-primary keys     - Non unique     - Non-unused  (#Total read < 100 and #total write > 1000 )     - Hypothetical Index.

Alternative solutions:

  1. We can buy an application for index monitoring and analysis.
  2. We can change the configuration. ex: MIXED_PAGE_ALLOCATION
  3. We can create better indexes.
  4. We can use this nice solution of Michelle Ufford []

Select info about tables

 2-- Select info about tables
 4     db_ID() as database_id
 5    ,tbSchena1.NAME AS SchemaName
 6    ,tbTable1.NAME AS TableName
 7    ,tbPartition1.rows AS RowCounts
 8    ,SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages) AS used_pages
 9    ,SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) * 8 AS TotalSpaceKB
10    ,CAST(ROUND(SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) * 8 / 1024.00, 2) AS NUMERIC(36, 2)) AS TotalSpaceMB
11    ,SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages) * 8 AS UsedSpaceKB
12    ,CAST(ROUND(SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages) * 8 / 1024.00, 2) AS NUMERIC(36, 2)) AS UsedSpaceMB
13    ,(SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) - SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages)) * 8 AS UnusedSpaceKB
14    ,CAST(ROUND((SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) - SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages)) * 8 / 1024.00, 2) AS NUMERIC(36, 2)) AS UnusedSpaceMB
15FROM sys.tables AS tbTable1
16INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS tbIndex1 ON tbTable1.object_id = tbIndex1.object_id
17INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS tbPartition1 ON tbIndex1.object_id = tbPartition1.object_id
18    AND tbIndex1.index_id = tbPartition1.index_id
19INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units AS tbAllocation1 ON tbPartition1.partition_id = tbAllocation1.container_id
20LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas AS tbSchena1 ON tbTable1.schema_id = tbSchena1.schema_id
21WHERE (tbTable1.NAME NOT LIKE 'dt%')
22    AND (tbTable1.is_ms_shipped = 0)
23    AND (tbIndex1.object_id > 255)
24GROUP BY tbTable1.NAME
25    ,tbSchena1.NAME
26    ,tbPartition1.rows
27HAVING (tbPartition1.rows > 10000)

Select info about indexes

  2-- Select info about indexes
  4SELECT index_physical_stats.database_id
  5    ,tbSchema2.NAME AS ShemaName
  6    ,tbTable2.NAME AS TableName
  7    ,tbTable2.object_id AS table_id
  8    ,tbIndex2.NAME AS IndexName
  9    ,tbIndex2.index_id
 10    ,tbIndex2.type
 11    ,tbIndex2.type_desc
 12    ,SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) AS used_pages
 13    ,8 * SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) AS IndexSizeKb
 14    ,index_usage_stats.user_updates AS 'TotalWrites'
 15    ,index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups AS 'TotalReads'
 16    ,index_usage_stats.user_updates - (index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups) AS 'Difference'
 17    ,index_physical_stats.index_depth
 18    ,index_physical_stats.index_level
 19    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent
 20    ,index_physical_stats.fragment_count
 21    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragment_size_in_pages
 22    ,index_physical_stats.page_count
 23    ,CASE
 24        WHEN tbIndex2.type IN ( 2, 6, 7)
 25            THEN 'Nonclustered'
 26        ELSE ''
 27        END AS IndexType
 28    ,tbIndex2.is_unique
 29    ,tbIndex2.is_primary_key
 31    ,CASE
 32        WHEN tbIndex2.type IN ( 2, 6, 7)
 33            AND tbIndex2.is_unique = 0
 34            AND tbIndex2.is_primary_key = 0
 35            THEN CASE
 36                    WHEN (index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups) < 100
 37                        AND index_usage_stats.user_updates < 1000
 38                        THEN ''
 39                    WHEN (index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups) < 100
 40                        AND index_usage_stats.user_updates >= 1000
 41                        THEN 'unused'
 42                    ELSE 'used'
 43                    END
 44        ELSE 'keep'
 45        END AS IndexStatus
 47     ,CASE WHEN SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) < 1000
 48      THEN ''
 49      ELSE
 50          CASE
 51            WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent < 5 THEN ''
 52            WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent BETWEEN 5 and 30 AND tbIndex2.type > 0 THEN 'reorganize'
 53            WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30 THEN 'rebuild'
 54            ELSE '' END
 55          END
 56      AS IndexToDo
 57     ,CASE WHEN SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) < 1000
 58      THEN ''
 59      ELSE
 60         CASE WHEN tbIndex2.NAME IS NULL THEN
 61              CASE
 62                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30
 63                THEN 'ALTER TABLE ['+tbSchema2.NAME+'].['+tbTable2.NAME+'] REBUILD;'
 64                ELSE ''
 65              END
 66          ELSE
 67              CASE
 68                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent < 5 THEN ''
 69                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent BETWEEN 5 and 30 THEN
 70                       'ALTER INDEX [''] ON ['+tbSchema2.NAME+'].[''] REORGANIZE PARTITION = ALL '
 71                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30 THEN
 72                     'ALTER INDEX [''] ON ['+tbSchema2.NAME+'].[''] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH ('
 73                     + 'FILLFACTOR =' + CAST(98 AS VARCHAR(3) )
 74                     +')'
 75                ELSE '?'
 76              END
 77          END
 78      END
 79      AS IndexSqlToFix
 81FROM sys.partitions AS tbPartition2
 82INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS tbIndex2
 83    ON tbPartition2.index_id = tbIndex2.index_id AND tbPartition2.object_id = tbIndex2.object_id
 84INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS tbSchema2
 85INNER JOIN sys.tables AS tbTable2
 86    ON tbSchema2.schema_id = tbTable2.schema_id
 87    ON tbPartition2.object_id = tbTable2.object_id
 88    AND tbIndex2.object_id = tbTable2.object_id
 89INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units AS tbAllocation2
 90    ON tbPartition2.partition_id = tbAllocation2.container_id
 91INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats AS index_usage_stats
 92    ON tbIndex2.object_id = index_usage_stats.object_id
 93    AND tbIndex2.is_disabled  = 0
 94    AND tbIndex2.index_id = index_usage_stats.index_id
 95INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS index_physical_stats
 96    ON index_physical_stats.database_id = index_usage_stats.database_id
 97    AND index_physical_stats.object_id = tbIndex2.object_id
 98    AND index_physical_stats.index_id = tbIndex2.index_id
100     tbSchema2.NAME
101    ,tbTable2.NAME
102    ,tbTable2.object_id
103    ,tbIndex2.NAME
104    ,tbIndex2.index_id
105    ,index_usage_stats.user_seeks
106    ,index_usage_stats.user_scans
107    ,index_usage_stats.user_lookups
108    ,index_usage_stats.user_updates
109    ,tbIndex2.type
110    ,tbIndex2.type_desc
111    ,tbIndex2.is_unique
112    ,tbIndex2.is_primary_key
113    ,tbIndex2.is_padded
114    ,tbIndex2.ignore_dup_key
115    ,tbIndex2.fill_factor
116    ,tbIndex2.allow_page_locks
117    ,tbIndex2.allow_row_locks
118    ,index_physical_stats.database_id
119    ,index_physical_stats.index_depth
120    ,index_physical_stats.index_level
121    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent
122    ,index_physical_stats.fragment_count
123    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragment_size_in_pages
124    ,index_physical_stats.page_count

Now, we put together both queries.

  3  tbTableInfo.database_id
  4, tbTableInfo.SchemaName, tbTableInfo.TableName, tbTableInfo.RowCounts
  5, tbTableInfo.used_pages
  6, tbIndexInfo.IndexName
  7, tbIndexInfo.index_id
  8, tbIndexInfo.[type_desc]
  9, tbIndexInfo.used_pages AS Index_pages
 10, tbIndexInfo.IndexSizeKb, tbIndexInfo.[TotalWrites]
 11, tbIndexInfo.[TotalReads]
 12, tbIndexInfo.[Difference]
 13, tbIndexInfo.index_depth
 14, tbIndexInfo.index_level
 15, tbIndexInfo.fragment_count
 16, tbIndexInfo.avg_fragmentation_in_percent
 17, tbIndexInfo.avg_fragment_size_in_pages
 18, tbIndexInfo.page_count
 19, tbIndexInfo.IndexType
 20, tbIndexInfo.IndexStatus
 21, tbIndexInfo.IndexToDo
 22, tbIndexInfo.IndexSqlToFix
 23 FROM
 26     db_ID() as database_id
 27    ,tbSchena1.NAME AS SchemaName
 28    ,tbTable1.NAME AS TableName
 29    ,tbPartition1.rows AS RowCounts
 30    ,SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages) AS used_pages
 31    ,SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) * 8 AS TotalSpaceKB
 32    ,CAST(ROUND(SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) * 8 / 1024.00, 2) AS NUMERIC(36, 2)) AS TotalSpaceMB
 33    ,SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages) * 8 AS UsedSpaceKB
 34    ,CAST(ROUND(SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages) * 8 / 1024.00, 2) AS NUMERIC(36, 2)) AS UsedSpaceMB
 35    ,(SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) - SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages)) * 8 AS UnusedSpaceKB
 36    ,CAST(ROUND((SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) - SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages)) * 8 / 1024.00, 2) AS NUMERIC(36, 2)) AS UnusedSpaceMB
 37FROM sys.tables AS tbTable1
 38INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS tbIndex1 ON tbTable1.object_id = tbIndex1.object_id
 39INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS tbPartition1 ON tbIndex1.object_id = tbPartition1.object_id
 40    AND tbIndex1.index_id = tbPartition1.index_id
 41INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units AS tbAllocation1 ON tbPartition1.partition_id = tbAllocation1.container_id
 42LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas AS tbSchena1 ON tbTable1.schema_id = tbSchena1.schema_id
 43WHERE (tbTable1.NAME NOT LIKE 'dt%')
 44    AND (tbTable1.is_ms_shipped = 0)
 45    AND (tbIndex1.object_id > 255)
 46GROUP BY tbTable1.NAME
 47    ,tbSchena1.NAME
 48    ,tbPartition1.rows
 49HAVING (tbPartition1.rows > 10000)
 50) tbTableInfo
 53SELECT index_physical_stats.database_id
 54    ,tbSchema2.NAME AS ShemaName
 55    ,tbTable2.NAME AS TableName
 56    ,tbTable2.object_id AS table_id
 57    ,tbIndex2.NAME AS IndexName
 58    ,tbIndex2.index_id
 59    ,tbIndex2.type
 60    ,tbIndex2.type_desc
 61    ,SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) AS used_pages
 62    ,8 * SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) AS IndexSizeKb
 63    ,index_usage_stats.user_updates AS 'TotalWrites'
 64    ,index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups AS 'TotalReads'
 65    ,index_usage_stats.user_updates - (index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups) AS 'Difference'
 66    ,index_physical_stats.index_depth
 67    ,index_physical_stats.index_level
 68    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent
 69    ,index_physical_stats.fragment_count
 70    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragment_size_in_pages
 71    ,index_physical_stats.page_count
 72    ,CASE
 73        WHEN tbIndex2.type IN ( 2, 6, 7)
 74            THEN 'Nonclustered'
 75        ELSE ''
 76        END AS IndexType
 77    ,tbIndex2.is_unique
 78    ,tbIndex2.is_primary_key
 80    ,CASE
 81        WHEN tbIndex2.type IN ( 2, 6, 7)
 82            AND tbIndex2.is_unique = 0
 83            AND tbIndex2.is_primary_key = 0
 84            THEN CASE
 85                    WHEN (index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups) < 100
 86                        AND index_usage_stats.user_updates < 1000
 87                        THEN ''
 88                    WHEN (index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups) < 100
 89                        AND index_usage_stats.user_updates >= 1000
 90                        THEN 'unused'
 91                    ELSE 'used'
 92                    END
 93        ELSE 'keep'
 94        END AS IndexStatus
 96     ,CASE WHEN SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) < 1000
 97      THEN ''
 98      ELSE
 99          CASE
100            WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent < 5 THEN ''
101            WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent BETWEEN 5 and 30 AND tbIndex2.type > 0 THEN 'reorganize'
102            WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30 THEN 'rebuild'
103            ELSE '' END
104          END
105      AS IndexToDo
106     ,CASE WHEN SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) < 1000
107      THEN ''
108      ELSE
109         CASE WHEN tbIndex2.NAME IS NULL THEN
110              CASE
111                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30
112                THEN 'ALTER TABLE ['+tbSchema2.NAME+'].['+tbTable2.NAME+'] REBUILD;'
113                ELSE ''
114              END
115          ELSE
116              CASE
117                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent < 5 THEN ''
118                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent BETWEEN 5 and 30 THEN
119                       'ALTER INDEX [''] ON ['+tbSchema2.NAME+'].[''] REORGANIZE PARTITION = ALL '
120                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30 THEN
121                     'ALTER INDEX [''] ON ['+tbSchema2.NAME+'].[''] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH ('
122                     + 'FILLFACTOR =' + CAST(98 AS VARCHAR(3) )
123                     +')'
124                ELSE '?'
125              END
126          END
127      END
128      AS IndexSqlToFix
130FROM sys.partitions AS tbPartition2
131INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS tbIndex2
132    ON tbPartition2.index_id = tbIndex2.index_id AND tbPartition2.object_id = tbIndex2.object_id
133INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS tbSchema2
134INNER JOIN sys.tables AS tbTable2
135    ON tbSchema2.schema_id = tbTable2.schema_id
136    ON tbPartition2.object_id = tbTable2.object_id
137    AND tbIndex2.object_id = tbTable2.object_id
138INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units AS tbAllocation2
139    ON tbPartition2.partition_id = tbAllocation2.container_id
140INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats AS index_usage_stats
141    ON tbIndex2.object_id = index_usage_stats.object_id
142    AND tbIndex2.is_disabled  = 0
143    AND tbIndex2.index_id = index_usage_stats.index_id
144INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS index_physical_stats
145    ON index_physical_stats.database_id = index_usage_stats.database_id
146    AND index_physical_stats.object_id = tbIndex2.object_id
147    AND index_physical_stats.index_id = tbIndex2.index_id
149     tbSchema2.NAME
150    ,tbTable2.NAME
151    ,tbTable2.object_id
152    ,tbIndex2.NAME
153    ,tbIndex2.index_id
154    ,index_usage_stats.user_seeks
155    ,index_usage_stats.user_scans
156    ,index_usage_stats.user_lookups
157    ,index_usage_stats.user_updates
158    ,tbIndex2.type
159    ,tbIndex2.type_desc
160    ,tbIndex2.is_unique
161    ,tbIndex2.is_primary_key
162    ,tbIndex2.is_padded
163    ,tbIndex2.ignore_dup_key
164    ,tbIndex2.fill_factor
165    ,tbIndex2.allow_page_locks
166    ,tbIndex2.allow_row_locks
167    ,index_physical_stats.database_id
168    ,index_physical_stats.index_depth
169    ,index_physical_stats.index_level
170    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent
171    ,index_physical_stats.fragment_count
172    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragment_size_in_pages
173    ,index_physical_stats.page_count
174) as tbIndexInfo
176ON tbTableInfo.TableName = tbIndexInfo.TableName
177AND tbTableInfo.SchemaName = tbIndexInfo.ShemaName
178WHERE IndexSqlToFix <> ''

It can be dangerous but if you want to automatize. To be a safe script we add 5 seconds between each execute of script.

  3DECLARE @tb TABLE (IndexSqlToFix NVARCHAR(MAX), avg_fragmentation_in_percent FLOAT)
  5INSERT INTO @tb (IndexSqlToFix, avg_fragmentation_in_percent)
  6SELECT IndexSqlToFix, avg_fragmentation_in_percent FROM
  9     db_ID() as database_id
 10    ,tbSchena1.NAME AS SchemaName
 11    ,tbTable1.NAME AS TableName
 12    ,tbPartition1.rows AS RowCounts
 13    ,SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages) AS used_pages
 14    ,SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) * 8 AS TotalSpaceKB
 15    ,CAST(ROUND(SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) * 8 / 1024.00, 2) AS NUMERIC(36, 2)) AS TotalSpaceMB
 16    ,SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages) * 8 AS UsedSpaceKB
 17    ,CAST(ROUND(SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages) * 8 / 1024.00, 2) AS NUMERIC(36, 2)) AS UsedSpaceMB
 18    ,(SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) - SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages)) * 8 AS UnusedSpaceKB
 19    ,CAST(ROUND((SUM(tbAllocation1.total_pages) - SUM(tbAllocation1.used_pages)) * 8 / 1024.00, 2) AS NUMERIC(36, 2)) AS UnusedSpaceMB
 20FROM sys.tables AS tbTable1
 21INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS tbIndex1 ON tbTable1.object_id = tbIndex1.object_id
 22INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS tbPartition1 ON tbIndex1.object_id = tbPartition1.object_id
 23    AND tbIndex1.index_id = tbPartition1.index_id
 24INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units AS tbAllocation1 ON tbPartition1.partition_id = tbAllocation1.container_id
 25LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas AS tbSchena1 ON tbTable1.schema_id = tbSchena1.schema_id
 26WHERE (tbTable1.NAME NOT LIKE 'dt%')
 27    AND (tbTable1.is_ms_shipped = 0)
 28    AND (tbIndex1.object_id > 255)
 29GROUP BY tbTable1.NAME
 30    ,tbSchena1.NAME
 31    ,tbPartition1.rows
 32HAVING (tbPartition1.rows > 10000)
 33) tbTableInfo
 36SELECT index_physical_stats.database_id
 37    ,tbSchema2.NAME AS ShemaName
 38    ,tbTable2.NAME AS TableName
 39    ,tbTable2.object_id AS table_id
 40    ,tbIndex2.NAME AS IndexName
 41    ,tbIndex2.index_id
 42    ,tbIndex2.type
 43    ,tbIndex2.type_desc
 44    ,SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) AS used_pages
 45    ,8 * SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) AS IndexSizeKb
 46    ,index_usage_stats.user_updates AS 'TotalWrites'
 47    ,index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups AS 'TotalReads'
 48    ,index_usage_stats.user_updates - (index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups) AS 'Difference'
 49    ,index_physical_stats.index_depth
 50    ,index_physical_stats.index_level
 51    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent
 52    ,index_physical_stats.fragment_count
 53    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragment_size_in_pages
 54    ,index_physical_stats.page_count
 55    ,CASE
 56        WHEN tbIndex2.type IN ( 2, 6, 7)
 57            THEN 'Nonclustered'
 58        ELSE ''
 59        END AS IndexType
 60    ,tbIndex2.is_unique
 61    ,tbIndex2.is_primary_key
 63    ,CASE
 64        WHEN tbIndex2.type IN ( 2, 6, 7)
 65            AND tbIndex2.is_unique = 0
 66            AND tbIndex2.is_primary_key = 0
 67            THEN CASE
 68                    WHEN (index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups) < 100
 69                        AND index_usage_stats.user_updates < 1000
 70                        THEN ''
 71                    WHEN (index_usage_stats.user_seeks + index_usage_stats.user_scans + index_usage_stats.user_lookups) < 100
 72                        AND index_usage_stats.user_updates >= 1000
 73                        THEN 'unused'
 74                    ELSE 'used'
 75                    END
 76        ELSE 'keep'
 77        END AS IndexStatus
 79     ,CASE WHEN SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) < 1000
 80      THEN ''
 81      ELSE
 82          CASE
 83            WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent < 5 THEN ''
 84            WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent BETWEEN 5 and 30 AND tbIndex2.type > 0 THEN 'reorganize'
 85            WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30 THEN 'rebuild'
 86            ELSE '' END
 87          END
 88      AS IndexToDo
 89     ,CASE WHEN SUM(tbAllocation2.used_pages) < 1000
 90      THEN ''
 91      ELSE
 92         CASE WHEN tbIndex2.NAME IS NULL THEN
 93              CASE
 94                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30
 95                THEN 'ALTER TABLE ['+tbSchema2.NAME+'].['+tbTable2.NAME+'] REBUILD;'
 96                ELSE ''
 97              END
 98          ELSE
 99              CASE
100                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent < 5 THEN ''
101                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent BETWEEN 5 and 30 THEN
102                       'ALTER INDEX [''] ON ['+tbSchema2.NAME+'].[''] REORGANIZE PARTITION = ALL '
103                WHEN index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30 THEN
104                     'ALTER INDEX [''] ON ['+tbSchema2.NAME+'].[''] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH ('
105                     + 'FILLFACTOR =' + CAST(98 AS VARCHAR(3) )
106                     +')'
107                ELSE '?'
108              END
109          END
110      END
111      AS IndexSqlToFix
113FROM sys.partitions AS tbPartition2
114INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS tbIndex2
115    ON tbPartition2.index_id = tbIndex2.index_id AND tbPartition2.object_id = tbIndex2.object_id
116INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS tbSchema2
117INNER JOIN sys.tables AS tbTable2
118    ON tbSchema2.schema_id = tbTable2.schema_id
119    ON tbPartition2.object_id = tbTable2.object_id
120    AND tbIndex2.object_id = tbTable2.object_id
121INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units AS tbAllocation2
122    ON tbPartition2.partition_id = tbAllocation2.container_id
123INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats AS index_usage_stats
124    ON tbIndex2.object_id = index_usage_stats.object_id
125    AND tbIndex2.is_disabled  = 0
126    AND tbIndex2.index_id = index_usage_stats.index_id
127INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS index_physical_stats
128    ON index_physical_stats.database_id = index_usage_stats.database_id
129    AND index_physical_stats.object_id = tbIndex2.object_id
130    AND index_physical_stats.index_id = tbIndex2.index_id
132     tbSchema2.NAME
133    ,tbTable2.NAME
134    ,tbTable2.object_id
135    ,tbIndex2.NAME
136    ,tbIndex2.index_id
137    ,index_usage_stats.user_seeks
138    ,index_usage_stats.user_scans
139    ,index_usage_stats.user_lookups
140    ,index_usage_stats.user_updates
141    ,tbIndex2.type
142    ,tbIndex2.type_desc
143    ,tbIndex2.is_unique
144    ,tbIndex2.is_primary_key
145    ,tbIndex2.is_padded
146    ,tbIndex2.ignore_dup_key
147    ,tbIndex2.fill_factor
148    ,tbIndex2.allow_page_locks
149    ,tbIndex2.allow_row_locks
150    ,index_physical_stats.database_id
151    ,index_physical_stats.index_depth
152    ,index_physical_stats.index_level
153    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent
154    ,index_physical_stats.fragment_count
155    ,index_physical_stats.avg_fragment_size_in_pages
156    ,index_physical_stats.page_count
157) as tbIndexInfo
159ON tbTableInfo.TableName = tbIndexInfo.TableName
160AND tbTableInfo.SchemaName = tbIndexInfo.ShemaName
161WHERE IndexToDo <> ''
165WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @tb as t) > 0)
167    SELECT TOP 1 @sql = IndexSqlToFix FROM @tb ORDER BY avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC;
168    DELETE FROM @tb WHERE IndexSqlToFix = @sql;
170    RAISERROR (@sql, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT;
171    EXEC(@sql);
172    WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'

source :