The ChatGPT API (Application Programming Interface) is a service provided by OpenAI that allows developers to integrate ChatGPT into their applications, products, or services. ChatGPT is a language model based on the GPT architecture, and it can perform various natural language processing tasks, such as generating human-like text, answering questions, summarizing text, and more.

Using the ChatGPT API, developers can send text inputs (prompts or messages) to the model and receive generated text outputs (responses) in return. The API enables developers to build chatbots, create tools for content generation, provide automated customer support, and develop many other applications that require natural language understanding and generation.


To use the ChatGPT API, you would typically need to:

  • Obtain API credentials: Sign up for access to the API through OpenAI’s website, which usually requires an API key to authenticate requests.
  • Connect to the API: Use a programming language, such as Python, to make HTTP requests to the API endpoint. In your code, you’ll include your API key for authentication, specify the model (e.g., ChatGPT), and provide the input text.
  • Process the response: The API returns a JSON object containing the model’s generated response. You can extract the relevant information (e.g., the generated text) and use it in your application as needed.
  • Handle errors: Implement error handling in your code to account for potential issues, such as API rate limits, invalid inputs, or temporary service outages.

Keep in mind that using the ChatGPT API may be subject to usage fees, depending on the pricing plan and the number of requests you make. Be sure to review OpenAI’s documentation and pricing information for the API to understand the specific details and any limitations.

Here are some common parameters you may encounter when using the ChatGPT API:


This parameter specifies which version of the ChatGPT model you want to use (e.g., “gpt-3.5-turbo” or other available models).

The models are based on OpenAI’s GPT architecture, with different models having different sizes, capabilities, and performance characteristics. In general, larger models offer better performance but may be slower and more expensive to use.

When choosing a model, consider the following criteria:

  • Task requirements: Select a model that performs well on the specific tasks you need, such as answering questions, summarizing text, or generating creative content.
  • Performance and capability: Larger models generally offer better performance and capability, but they may be slower and more expensive to use. Balance your performance requirements with the costs associated with using a specific model.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Evaluate the cost of using different models in terms of tokens processed and the time taken for processing. Choose a model that provides the best balance of performance and cost for your needs.
  • Latency: Some models may have higher latency due to their size and complexity. If response time is critical for your application, consider using a model with lower latency.


This parameter is an array of message objects, where each object typically has a role (either “system”, “user”, or “assistant”) and content (the text of the message). The conversation history is sent through these message objects, and the model generates a response based on the provided context.

When structuring your messages and conversation context, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Use an array of message objects: The “messages” parameter should be an array of message objects. Each object typically has a “role” (either “system”, “user”, or “assistant”) and “content” (the text of the message). The sequence of messages in the array should represent the conversation history in chronological order.

In the context of the ChatGPT API, the “role” is a property within each message object that denotes the sender or the purpose of the message. There are three main roles:

  • “system”: The system role is used to provide initial context or instructions for the chatbot. It sets the stage for the conversation, specifying any particular behavior, character, or focus the chatbot should adopt. For example, you can use a system message to instruct the assistant to behave like a history expert. However, some models, like GPT-3.5-turbo, may not pay strong attention to system messages, so it might be more effective to include crucial context in user messages.
  • “user”: The user role represents messages coming from the user or the person interacting with the chatbot. These messages typically contain questions, instructions, or information that the chatbot should respond to or incorporate into its responses. Be clear and explicit in your user messages to obtain more accurate and relevant responses.
  • “assistant”: The assistant role represents the chatbot’s responses in the conversation history. Including these messages in the “messages” array helps maintain context and allows the model to understand the flow of the conversation. This way, the chatbot can generate responses that are consistent with its previous replies and relevant to the ongoing discussion.

When constructing the conversation history for the ChatGPT API, you include an array of message objects, each with a “role” and “content” (the text of the message). This array should represent the conversation in chronological order, with roles assigned appropriately to system instructions, user inputs, and assistant responses.

  • Start with a system message (optional): You can begin the conversation with a system message to set the context or behavior of the chatbot. For example, you can instruct the assistant to behave like a certain character or to focus on a specific topic. However, GPT-3.5-turbo, one of the more advanced models, may not pay strong attention to system messages. So, you might need to incorporate important context in user messages as well.
  • Maintain conversation context: To create a context between messages, include the previous user messages and assistant responses in the “messages” array. This allows the model to understand the conversation history and generate more accurate and relevant responses.
  • Be explicit with instructions: To enhance the message and obtain more precise results, be clear and explicit in your instructions. If you’re looking for a specific type of response, such as a summary or a list, specify that in your user message.
  • Limit conversation length: Keep in mind that very long conversations might lead to important context being cut off, as models like GPT-3.5-turbo have a token limit (e.g., 4096 tokens). If a conversation exceeds the token limit, you will need to truncate or remove some text, which could result in loss of context.
  • Test and iterate: Experiment with different phrasings and instructions to improve the quality of the generated responses. If the model doesn’t provide the desired output, rephrase your instruction or question and test again.


This parameter sets a limit on the length of the generated response. It specifies the maximum number of tokens (words or word pieces) in the output text. Setting this limit helps control the response length, but be cautious not to set it too low, as it may result in truncated or nonsensical responses, this parameter can influence the length and quality of the response you receive.

Limits: The exact limits for the “max_tokens” parameter depend on the model you are using. Each model has a total token limit (e.g., GPT-3.5-turbo has a limit of 4096 tokens). However, the “max_tokens” value you set for the response should be less than this total limit, considering the tokens used by the conversation history.

Impact on answers:

  • Shorter responses: Setting a low value for “max_tokens” will result in shorter responses, but it may cause the answer to be cut-off or incomplete if the limit is too low. It can lead to responses that are less informative or lack proper context.
  • Longer responses: If you set a higher value for “max_tokens,” the responses may be more detailed and informative. However, a high value might also result in unnecessarily verbose or redundant responses.

Making a good choice for “max_tokens”:

  • Consider the context: Think about the type of response you need from the chatbot. If you are looking for a brief answer, set a lower value for “max_tokens.” If you need more detail or context, set a higher value.
  • Balance length and quality: Choose a “max_tokens” value that balances response length and quality. A very low value may result in incomplete answers, while a very high value may lead to unnecessarily long responses.
  • Test and iterate: Experiment with different values for “max_tokens” to find the optimal balance between length and quality. Monitor the chatbot’s responses and adjust the value as needed to achieve the desired results.

Keep in mind that the behavior of models may vary, and it’s essential to consult the latest API documentation to understand the specific characteristics and best practices for using the ChatGPT API effectively.


This parameter controls the randomness of the generated text. A higher value (e.g., 1.0) makes the output more diverse and creative, while a lower value (e.g., 0.2) results in more focused and deterministic responses. Adjusting the temperature can help you fine-tune the model’s behavior to suit your application’s needs.

Impact on answers:

  • Lower temperature values (e.g., 0.2 or 0.3) make the output more focused, deterministic, and conservative. The generated text will be less random, sticking to more common phrases and patterns. In the context of SQL scripts or C# code, this could mean that the generated code is more likely to follow standard conventions and practices.
  • Higher temperature values (e.g., 0.8 or 1.0) introduce more randomness and creativity in the output. This may result in more diverse responses and novel ideas, but it can also lead to less coherent or irrelevant text. For code generation, this might mean more unconventional solutions or potentially incorrect syntax.

Making a good choice for “temperature”:

  • Consider the context: Think about the desired level of creativity and novelty for the generated text. If you need more focused, predictable responses or
  • standard code, choose a lower temperature value. If you want more diverse or creative ideas, use a higher temperature value.
  • Balance randomness and coherence: Choose a temperature value that strikes a balance between randomness and coherence. Too low a value may result in repetitive or overly simplistic text, while too high a value may lead to incoherent or irrelevant output.
  • Test and iterate: Experiment with different temperature values to find the optimal balance for your use case. Monitor the generated responses or code and adjust the temperature as needed to achieve the desired results.


This parameter is used for nucleus sampling, a technique to control the randomness of the generated text. It sets a probability threshold to limit the token selection to the most likely tokens. By adjusting top_p, you can balance the diversity and focus of the generated text. Note that this parameter might not be available or applicable to all models, so consult the API documentation for specifics.

How “top_p” works:

  • When generating a response, the model assigns a probability to each possible token (word or punctuation) it can generate for the next position in the text.
  • The tokens are sorted by their probabilities, and the most probable tokens are selected until their cumulative probability reaches the value set by “top_p.”
  • One token is then randomly sampled from this filtered set of tokens according to their probabilities.

Impact on answers:

  • Lower “top_p” values (e.g., 0.1) will result in more focused, deterministic outputs by considering only a small fraction of the most probable tokens. In the context of generating SQL scripts or C# code, this could mean that the generated code is more likely to follow standard conventions and practices.
  • Higher “top_p” values (e.g., 0.9) will introduce more randomness and diversity by considering a larger set of possible tokens. This may result in more creative or unconventional solutions, but it can also lead to less coherent or irrelevant text, which might be less desirable for code generation.

Making a good choice for “top_p”:

  • Consider the context: Think about the desired level of creativity and novelty for the generated text. If you need more focused, predictable responses or standard code, choose a lower “top_p” value. If you want more diverse or creative ideas, use a higher “top_p” value.
  • Balance randomness and coherence: Choose a “top_p” value that strikes a balance between randomness and coherence. Too low a value may result in repetitive or overly simplistic text, while too high a value may lead to incoherent or irrelevant output.
  • Test and iterate: Experiment with different “top_p” values to find the optimal balance for your use case. Monitor the generated responses or code and adjust the “top_p” as needed to achieve the desired results.

Note that “top_p” and “temperature” can be used in combination to fine-tune the randomness and diversity of the generated text. Adjusting both parameters can help you achieve the optimal balance between creativity and coherence for your specific use case.


This parameter can be used to penalize or favor more common tokens in the generated text. Positive values will make the output less repetitive, while negative values will make it more repetitive.

How “frequency_penalty” works:

  • A positive value for “frequency_penalty” (e.g., 1.0) will make the model favor less frequent tokens, resulting in more diverse or unusual language.
  • A negative value for “frequency_penalty” (e.g., -1.0) will make the model favor more frequent tokens, leading to more common language and phrasing.
  • A value of 0 means no frequency penalty is applied, and the model will generate text based on its default behavior.

Impact on answers when generating SQL scripts or C# code:

  • Positive “frequency_penalty”: A high frequency penalty might encourage the model to use less common keywords, functions, or syntax, which could lead to unconventional or incorrect code.
  • Negative “frequency_penalty”: A low frequency penalty would encourage the model to use more common language patterns and structures, which might result in more standard and readable code. However, it may also make the generated code overly simplistic or repetitive.

Making a good choice for “frequency_penalty”:

  • Consider the context: Think about the desired level of novelty or commonness for the generated text. If you need more creative or diverse language, choose a positive “frequency_penalty” value. If you want more standard or familiar language, use a negative “frequency_penalty” value.
  • Balance novelty and readability: Choose a “frequency_penalty” value that strikes a balance between novelty and readability. A very high value may result in difficult-to-understand or unconventional text, while a very low value may lead to repetitive or overly simplistic text.
  • Test and iterate: Experiment with different “frequency_penalty” values to find the optimal balance for your use case. Monitor the generated responses or code and adjust the “frequency_penalty” as needed to achieve the desired results.

Keep in mind that “frequency_penalty” is just one of the several parameters you can use to fine-tune the generated output from ChatGPT API. You may need to adjust other parameters like “temperature” or “top_p” to achieve the best results for your specific use case.


This parameter can be used to control how much the model penalizes new tokens based on their presence in the input text. Positive values will make the output less likely to use tokens already present in the input, while negative values will have the opposite effect.

How “presence_penalty” works:

  • A positive value for “presence_penalty” (e.g., 1.0) will discourage the model from using tokens that have already appeared in the text, leading to less repetition and more diverse language.
  • A negative value for “presence_penalty” (e.g., -1.0) will make the model more likely to reuse tokens that have already appeared in the text, resulting in more repetitive language.
  • A value of 0 means no presence penalty is applied, and the model will generate text based on its default behavior.

Impact on answers when generating SQL scripts or C# code:

  • Positive “presence_penalty”: A high presence penalty might encourage the model to use more diverse language and structure, which could be helpful in generating unique code segments. However, it may also lead to unconventional or incorrect syntax if the model tries to avoid repeating necessary tokens.
  • Negative “presence_penalty”: A low presence penalty would make the model more likely to use repetitive language patterns and structures. In the context of code generation, this might result in overuse of certain keywords, functions, or syntax, which could reduce the readability or functionality of the generated code.

Making a good choice for “presence_penalty”:

  • Consider the context: Think about the desired level of repetitiveness for the generated text. If you need more diverse language, choose a positive “presence_penalty” value. If repetition is not a concern or could be helpful, use a negative “presence_penalty” value.
  • Balance repetition and diversity: Choose a “presence_penalty” value that strikes a balance between repetition and diversity. A very high value may result in difficult-to-understand or unconventional text, while a very low value may lead to excessive repetition.
  • Test and iterate: Experiment with different “presence_penalty” values to find the optimal balance for your use case. Monitor the generated responses or code and adjust the “presence_penalty” as needed to achieve the desired results.

Keep in mind that “presence_penalty” is just one of the several parameters you can use to fine-tune the generated output from ChatGPT API. You may need to adjust other parameters like “temperature” or “top_p” to achieve the best results for your specific use case.

Use case parameters to use#

Indeed, there aren’t any perfect values to apply, as the optimal settings hinge on various factors, including the desired outcome, response precision, and model capabilities. In essence, there isn’t a straightforward, simple, or brief answer. (If you believe there’s an answer, it’s a somber realization that you likely don’t comprehend the depth of the problem’s despair.)

Here are a few reflections on recommending parameter configurations for specific scenarios.


When using the ChatGPT API to generate SQL scripts or C# code, you can fine-tune the parameters to produce the desired output. Here’s a suggested starting point for setting the parameters, but keep in mind that the optimal values may vary depending on your specific use case:

  • temperature: Set the temperature to a lower value, such as 0.2 or 0.3. Lower temperature values will make the output more focused and deterministic, which is useful for generating code.

  • top_p: You can start with the default value of 1.0, which samples from the entire probability distribution. If you find the output to be too noisy or unpredictable, you can try lowering the value (e.g., 0.8 or 0.9) to further constrain the sampling.

  • max_tokens: Set the max_tokens value according to your desired response length. If you are generating a small piece of code or a short SQL script, you might use a smaller value, like 50 or 100. For longer code segments, you can increase this value accordingly.

  • frequency_penalty: Start with a value of 0, which uses the default model behavior. If you find that the generated code is too simplistic or repetitive, you can try increasing the frequency_penalty value (e.g., 0.5 or 1.0) to promote less common language patterns.

  • presence_penalty: Start with a value of 0, which uses the default model behavior. If you find that the generated code is too repetitive, you can try increasing the presence_penalty value (e.g., 0.5 or 1.0) to discourage the reuse of tokens.

Remember that these are just suggested starting points, and the best way to find the optimal parameter values is to experiment, test, and iterate based on your specific requirements. Monitor the generated code and adjust the parameters as needed to achieve the desired results.

Answer an email#

When using the ChatGPT API to generate an email response, you can adjust the parameters to get the desired output. Here’s a suggested starting point for setting the parameters, but keep in mind that the optimal values may vary depending on the specific context and the desired email tone:

  • temperature: Set the temperature to a moderate value, such as 0.6 or 0.7. This value encourages a balance between creativity and focus in the generated output. You can adjust the temperature based on how formal or creative you want the email response to be.

  • top_p: Start with the default value of 1.0, which samples from the entire probability distribution. If you find the output to be too noisy or unpredictable, you can try lowering the value (e.g., 0.8 or 0.9) to further constrain the sampling.

  • max_tokens: Set the max_tokens value according to the desired length of the email response. For a short email reply, you might use a smaller value, like 50 or 100. For longer email responses, you can increase this value accordingly.

  • frequency_penalty: Start with a value of 0, which uses the default model behavior. If you find that the generated email response is too simplistic or repetitive, you can try increasing the frequency_penalty value (e.g., 0.5 or 1.0) to promote less common language patterns.

  • presence_penalty: Start with a value of 0, which uses the default model behavior. If you find that the generated email response is too repetitive, you can try increasing the presence_penalty value (e.g., 0.5 or 1.0) to discourage the reuse of tokens.

Remember to include the original email content and any specific instructions or context in the input message to help the model generate a more accurate and relevant response.

These suggestions serve as a starting point, and the best way to find the optimal parameter values is to experiment, test, and iterate based on your specific requirements. Monitor the generated email responses and adjust the parameters as needed to achieve the desired results.


When using the ChatGPT API to generate translations, you can adjust the parameters to achieve the desired output. Here’s a suggested starting point for setting the parameters, but keep in mind that the optimal values may vary depending on the specific context and the complexity of the text:

  • temperature: Set the temperature to a lower value, such as 0.2 or 0.3. Lower temperature values will make the output more focused and deterministic, which is useful for generating translations that are closer to the model’s most likely prediction.

  • top_p: Start with the default value of 1.0, which samples from the entire probability distribution. If you find the output to be too noisy or unpredictable, you can try lowering the value (e.g., 0.8 or 0.9) to further constrain the sampling.

  • max_tokens: Set the max_tokens value according to the desired length of the translation. For a short text, you might use a smaller value, like 50 or 100. For longer texts, you can increase this value accordingly. However, be cautious not to set the value too low, as it might cut off the translation prematurely.

  • frequency_penalty: Start with a value of 0, which uses the default model behavior. If you find that the generated translation is too simplistic or repetitive, you can try increasing the frequency_penalty value (e.g., 0.5 or 1.0) to promote less common language patterns.

  • presence_penalty: Start with a value of 0, which uses the default model behavior. If you find that the generated translation is too repetitive, you can try increasing the presence_penalty value (e.g., 0.5 or 1.0) to discourage the reuse of tokens.

Remember to provide clear instructions and specify the target language in the input message to help the model generate accurate translations.

These suggestions serve as a starting point, and the best way to find the optimal parameter values is to experiment, test, and iterate based on your specific requirements. Monitor the generated translations and adjust the parameters as needed to achieve the desired results.

In the end … As always, consult the latest API documentation to understand the specific characteristics and best practices for using the ChatGPT API effectively.

If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them. IA