Monitoring database size files before blow up

Rédigé par Sozezzo - - Aucun commentaire

you are already in trouble and it is too late when ...

  • The transaction log becomes full, SQL Server Database Engine issues a 9002 error.
  • The SQL Server Database Filegroup is Full.
  • Run out of disk space

You must have the answer to theses questions:

  • Who many times the database base can still growth?
  • Do we use the best Practices for Growing Database Files?

Growing database files by a percentage is relatively harmless when databases are small.
Once you’ve grown beyond a few gigabytes, a ten percent file growth can be a cause of performance problems while SQL Server has to wait for space to be allocated.

At the other extreme, for databases over a few gigabytes, it doesn’t make sense to keep growing in tiny 1 MB increments where you can run into extreme physical fragmentation.

Generally, it is rather to grow in increments than in percentages.

Script to list database files that use percent growth, you do not need to change, you just need to be sure it’s okay.

SELECT as database_name, as file_name,     mf.type_desc as file_type,     mf.growth as current_percent_growth
FROM sys.master_files mf (NOLOCK)
JOIN sys.databases d (NOLOCK) on mf.database_id=d.database_id
WHERE is_percent_growth=1

Script to monitoring size files.

DECLARE @growth_count INT= 3;  -- Who many time the database can growth ?
--#region Local drives
-- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #svr_drives;
CREATE TABLE #svr_drives
(     DriveLetter CHAR(1),      TotalSpace  BIGINT,      FreeSpace   BIGINT
-- Populate temp table with free space of all local drives
INSERT INTO #svr_drives
SELECT DISTINCT         SUBSTRING(volume_mount_point, 1, 1) AS DriveLetter,         total_bytes / 1024 / 1024 AS TotalSpace,         available_bytes / 1024 / 1024 AS FreeSpace
FROM sys.master_files AS f      CROSS APPLY sys.dm_os_volume_stats(f.database_id, f.file_id);
--select * from #svr_drives
--#endregion Local drives
--#region create sysaltfiles
-- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #sysaltfiles;
CREATE TABLE #sysaltfiles
(     [dbname]               [NVARCHAR](128) NULL,      [fileid]               [SMALLINT] NULL,      [FileSize]             [BIGINT] NULL,      [TotalSpace]           [BIGINT] NULL,      [FreeSpace]            [BIGINT] NULL,      [maxsize]              [INT] NOT NULL,      [status]               [INT] NULL,      [dbid]                 [SMALLINT] NULL,      [filename]             [NVARCHAR](260) NOT NULL,      [Usage]                [VARCHAR](4) NOT NULL,      [DriveLetter]          [NVARCHAR](1) NULL,      [IsgrowthInMB]         [INT] NOT NULL,      [growth]               [INT] NOT NULL,      [growth_count]         [INT],      [WillGrowth]           [BIGINT] NULL,      [WillMissingSpaceDisk] INT,      [NearFileSizeLimit]    INT,      [Message]              NVARCHAR(MAX)
INSERT INTO #sysaltfiles
(dbname,   fileid,   FileSize,   TotalSpace,   FreeSpace,   maxsize,   [status],   [dbid],   [filename],   Usage,   DriveLetter,   IsgrowthInMB,   growth
SELECT DB_NAME(dbid) dbname,         s.fileid,         (CONVERT(BIGINT, s.[size]) * 8) / 1024 AS FileSize,         TotalSpace,         FreeSpace AS FreeSpace,         maxsize / 128 AS maxsize,         [status],         [dbid],         [filename],        CASE STATUS&0x40            WHEN 0x40            THEN 'log'            ELSE 'data'        END AS 'Usage',         SUBSTRING([filename], 1, 1) AS DriveLetter,        CASE STATUS&0x100000            WHEN 0x100000            THEN 0            ELSE-1        END AS IsgrowthInMB,         growth
FROM sys.sysaltfiles s      INNER JOIN #svr_drives d ON SUBSTRING([filename], 1, 1) = d.DriveLetter
WHERE DATABASEPROPERTYEX(DB_NAME(dbid), 'Status') = 'ONLINE'       AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX(DB_NAME(dbid), 'Updateability') <> 'READ_ONLY'       AND DB_NAME(dbid) NOT IN('model'); -- we can add a filter.
--#endregion create sysaltfiles
--#region Message
UPDATE #sysaltfiles   SET        growth_count = @growth_count,        [WillGrowth] = CASE                          WHEN IsgrowthInMB = 0                          THEN FileSize * (POWER(1 + ([growth] / 100.0), @growth_count) - 1)                          ELSE(growth / 128) * @growth_count                      END,        WillMissingSpaceDisk = CASE                                  WHEN CASE                                           WHEN IsgrowthInMB = 0                                           THEN FileSize * (POWER(1 + ([growth] / 100.0), @growth_count) - 1)                                           ELSE(growth / 128) * @growth_count                                       END > FreeSpace                                  THEN-1                                  ELSE 0                              END,        NearFileSizeLimit = CASE                               WHEN [maxsize] > 0                                    AND CASE                                            WHEN IsgrowthInMB = 0                                            THEN FileSize * (POWER(1 + ([growth] / 100.0), @growth_count))                                            ELSE FileSize + (growth / 128) * @growth_count                                        END > [maxsize]                               THEN-1                               ELSE 0                           END,        [Message] = ''
FROM #sysaltfiles;
UPDATE #sysaltfiles   SET        [Message] = [Message] + CASE                                   WHEN WillMissingSpaceDisk = -1                                   THEN 'The database [' + dbname + '] will missing space disk when the file [' + [filename] + '] will growth (' + CAST([WillGrowth] / 1024 AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ' GB) after ' + CAST(growth_count AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ' "growths" on disk (' + [DriveLetter] + ':) ' + CAST([FreeSpace] / 1024 AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ' GB Free of ' + CAST([TotalSpace] / 1024 AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ' GB.' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)                                   ELSE ''                               END; 
UPDATE #sysaltfiles   SET        [Message] = [Message] + CASE                                   WHEN NearFileSizeLimit = -1                                   THEN 'The database [' + dbname + '] is near of file size limit for the file [' + [filename] + ']. Using ' + CAST(FileSize AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ' GB of max ' +CAST(maxsize AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ' GB' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)                                   ELSE ''                               END;
SELECT @Message = @Message + [Message]
FROM #sysaltfiles
WHERE [Message] <> ''
ORDER BY dbname;
-- SELECT * FROM #sysaltfiles;
--#endregion Message
PRINT @Message;

If you are using a job to monitoring, you can add this script to send an e-mail.

--#region Send email
IF(@Message <> '')
    DECLARE @body NVARCHAR(MAX)= '<p>The database server [servername] will have space disk problem. </p><p/><p/><p>[Message]</p><p/>This message was sent by [JobName] AT [servername]';
    SELECT @jobname =,             @jobid = b.job_id     FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions a,           msdb.dbo.sysjobs b     WHERE a.session_id = @@spid           AND (SUBSTRING(MASTER.dbo.FN_VARBINTOHEXSTR(CONVERT(VARBINARY(16), b.JOB_ID)), 1, 10)) = SUBSTRING(a.PROGRAM_NAME, 30, 10);     PRINT 'Job Name : ' + @jobname;
    SET @body = REPLACE(@body, '[JobName]', @jobname);     SET @body = REPLACE(@body, '[servername]', @@SERVERNAME);     SET @body = REPLACE(@body, '[Message]', @Message);
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail           @recipients = '',           @subject = 'Warning : Monitoring size file database',           @body = @body,           @body_format = 'HTML',           @from_address = 'Sql Server <>',           @reply_to = '';
--#endregion Send email

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